Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Media Writing First Blog

Today, I have had two new experiences. First, I am officially a commuter student at the University of New Hampshire Manchester, a city I have never been to and second, I am blogging for the first time. I am very excited to be at a new campus and complete media courses that are not available at UNH Durham. Also I am eager to learn about social media and improve on my writing.


  1. I went to high school in Durham and started at UNH there - I miss BNG coffee! How do you like Manchester compared to Durham so far?

  2. Commuting is hard. but I like this campus because it is smaller than other campuses and i fell that my teachers and students can get to know me alot better

  3. The atmosphere here is definitely different from Durham. I hope you like it here!

  4. I hope you like it here too! I think the atmosphere is welcoming and supportive. But I have to admit that I'm not a fan of commuting either. Wish I could walk to work. :)
