Monday, October 11, 2010

Journal Release Party

            On Friday December 3rd at 1:00PM Comm-entary will be hosting its annual journal release party located in room 215 in the Memorial Union Building. Come join us in celebrating its long-awaited publication!
            Comm-entary is an undergraduate research journal that is published by current communication students at the University of New Hampshire. It is a recognized student organization that is responsible for fundraising, advertising, creating design layout, and editing all submissions for the journal. Although Comm-entary is a communication research journal, submissions are encouraged from all other majors and departments on campus. It provides an opportunity for students to become published authors and display original research!
The board members of the journal work hard to organize events in order to spread awareness about the journal. Each submission is carefully edited by several members who work with the authors to revise the papers. Fundraising events are organized by members to help secure the financial means necessary to publish the journal. Other committees are responsible for design layout and creating publicity for submission dates, events, and the journal itself.
            So come see what Comm-entary is all about. There will be food and drinks provided. Authors will be there to discuss their published works and to answer any questions. The final edition of the journal will be available FREE of charge as we acknowledge the hard work and success of all the students who helped contribute to make the journal possible. Please join us in celebrating Comm-entary's release where there will be great food and great conversation!

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