Monday, October 25, 2010

Stephen King

I have never read a single Stephen King book until this class. I have watched films based on his fiction novels but I have not had the pleasure of reading his works. This nonfiction piece, On Writing, is insightful, witty, and an easy read.  King pushes people to develop in the craft and admits that it is not a simple task; you must work at it everyday. He explains the basics of writing, offers tips, and mentions his pet peeves which he hopes all writers avoid. King does not "beat around the bush." He states his opinion in a less than charming way, yet I was not offended and actually found myself laughing.  King's voice and personality permeate every page of the book. I admire him for all that his has accomplished. I am eager to finish reading the book and I think I have a great deal to learn from King's expertise and advice.


  1. I loved how you pointed out his non 'beat around the bush' attitude, he truly is upfront and no nonsense! I too, cannot wait to finish reading the book. Even though writing isn't something i'm usually that interested in reading about (even though it is a hobby-I like reading stories better) he added so many personal stories into it, I stayed intrigued the entire time. Great entry!

  2. I found myself laughing too. I've always admired Stephen King because he was a successful writer. But it's nice knowing he actually knows what he's talking about and writing isn't just something he's good at!

  3. It was nice to see that King, who is undoubtedly one of the most successful writers ever, can still talk to the reader without sounding condescending. He offers real advice for real people who want to learn more about the craft of writing.

  4. Chelsey,

    I'm like you where I have never read King's books and only got to experience movie adaptations of his books. I like how King was brutally honest on how he writes. He doesn't sugar-code his expertise on writing. I myself, find it hard to write and face a lot of difficulties, but this book did inspire me to be paitient and to make many final drafts.

  5. I completely agree - King has such a great way of getting directly to the point without being offensive. It is such a great skill to have, but one that I am no where close to mastering!

  6. I agree that his humor and wit made it a great read. His candid approach to grammar and writing made it both interesting and insightful. I definitely had a few laughs as well!

  7. I do enjoy the way he lets his personality show through his writing. He transformed a book that had every potential to be bland into something entertaining yet useful.
